Cynthia Pevehouse
Of Counsel
Cynthia brings nearly two decades’ experience as the chief legal officer for publicly traded, multinational companies, where she advised boards and CEOs on executive transitions, workplace investigations, and M&A transactions. Now, she provides extensive insight, valuable perspective, and clear-eyed calm to RED Law clients as they negotiate their own executive transitions, workplace investigations, and M&A transactions.
Whether she’s working closely with individual officers and directors on negotiating agreement terms or advising individuals in transition or through crises, Cynthia brings an incredible range of perspectives to bear in her thinking and practice.
She is a recognized master of international legal and compliance issues with extensive knowledge of business and legal policy. Cynthia has studied, lived, and worked in virtually every region of the US and around the world—is a licensed lawyer in five jurisdictions, currently active in three (California, New York, and Washington, DC). In addition to advising US clients in foreign countries, she has served as in-house counsel for two foreign global companies: as a commercial litigator for a large west coast law firm, assigned to spearhead the firm’s presence in the Asia- Pacific region, based in Japan; and later as general counsel for a Fortune 20 company in the financial services industry within Societas Europaea.
Her effectiveness in negotiating positive outcomes for RED Law clients comes equally from her striking ability to understand people and discern what’s really at stake for those involved. She has seen and understands the issues from many sides of the table—as a corporate attorney and senior executive making critical business decisions, and as a plaintiff’s attorney advising individuals on advancing their personal career goals. Cynthia’s unique insight makes her a wise counselor and a valuable strategic partner in the negotiating process.
Cynthia considers Northern California “home” but currently lives in the DC area. She is a serious cook and oenophile and is making steady progress as a golfer.

Contact Us

If you are navigating a challenging employment situation or negotiating an employment transition, our attorneys can offer the guidance or representation you need. Message us here or call us at (415) 529 4770.